Monday, December 31, 2012

The last day of this year

3.5 stars. Best wishes throughout the coming year!


For my older daughter's request, we'd gone fishing together today.

This fishing pond is only a little way from my wife's parents' house.

She got many strikes with the owner's special dry fly.

Her 2nd or 3rd fish?

Looks like very professional fisherman, sweetie.

I'm happy to hear that she still loves fishing.
Looking forward to our next fishing.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Don't forget

your homework guys. It is fun to study side by side together.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

1st day of winter holodays

Cyclamen's red was nice.

HIBARI is the bird of TAKANEZAWA town.

They love the horizontal bar.

She is so active.

SHIJUKARA is getting not rare bird for us anymore.

AOGERA! Difficult to take a pic, but definitely first time to see for us.

Acorn paradise for her.

SHIROHARA(winter bird) was also first time to see!

It was nice warm winter day.
We got many helper today.


You don't feel cold, ONAGAGAMO?

Don't feed them too much, please.

I liked female's plain color also.

Peaceful morning

Woke up late and felt the peaceful morning.

Would be good winter holiday for us all.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Welcome to

the Skagit world, Lance! The pic of the case reminds me of steel head's strong fight. Yeah, I'm missing it...

Morning of Christmas day

She found her present and the empty box which she put in snacks for Santa Claus.
I wish you a merry Christmas, sweetie.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Her birthday party with her friend

It was our first try to have kid's B.D. party inviting her friends and their moms. 
She looked like so happy with her friends, good meals(good job, honey!) and lots of presents. She must have most fantastic time in a year.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Must be from Santa Claus

What is this? I have no idea.

What is this?

Oh, yeah. It is just the one I've wanted!
Thank you, Santa. But you might forget the skagit head...

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Cotton Candy Maker

Check its performance before her B.D. party next week.

Much better job than I imagined.

We had better run it outside. Looking forward to next weekend.

Adios 'VAMOS'!

Thank you for about 10 years work, VAMOS. You joined us before our first daughter was born. Hoping you will meet good owner soon.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Red wine for the cold night

It's getting so cold with so strong wind this weekend.
How's it going so far, guys?
2009 LA SYRAH, de Cave Saint-Desirat: 4stars
It is same bland as the previous one.
Very high cost performance, I liked this french wine. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Phonics lesson

I asked my wife to help brushing up my English skill, so we have private lesson every weekend basically. Phonics is really needed for me as basic skill, I think.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Casting Practice

14:54 arrived there. It took about 1.5h from my parents' house.

Wondering how long can I fish?

Thank you for taking care of kids, dad.

15:04 Started practice of DH casting.

16:23 Much better than before. Keep in your mind the followings;
"Just relax and swing the rod slower than I imagine because this rod isn't hard.

Do you wanna be a spey caster, also?