Sunday, June 28, 2015

Resuming the early morning training

4:43 So fine morning today.

5:30 This middle sized stonefly hatched alone.
I tried Stimulator, but got no reaction.
6:16 1st fish by Peacock parachute after several hooking miss.

6:52 2nd fish by #14 brown parachute.
I changed the fly to it because found many MADARA spinner on the spider's net.
Also many HIRATA's spinner there. 

7:08 The last fish just before ending fishing.

I believe this early morning training gave me the last week's good lucks
Keep trying for your next step, Lance.

After playing tennis together

Had a spectacular sunset,

and a kind of nostalgic beer. Thanks, Mr.H.

Sockeye salmon, it might be familiar fishing target in Boise.

Happy dessert time for us all. Thanks, S family!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

6/14 UENO

Our annual visit to UENO to see my wife's mom's work.
Very nice woodcut!

It was the best season of AJISAI.
Personally it should be most beautiful in the rain, I think. 

After visiting the UENO zoo, let's take a rest together.

Yum yum!

Monday, June 22, 2015

24 hours fishing trip; on the Farther's Day 6/21

Picked O-chi at 2AM 6/21 and back his home at 2AM 6/22. It was very long and fun fishing trip for me.

Met ICHIGO before 7:30 as scheduled. And we waited for a while till the rain got weak.

9:15 Very important first fish.

We fished in rain almost all through a day.   

The reaction of fish has been getting well afternoon.

But don't forget how to set a hook.
You need to adjust the hooking for several attack pattern.

Especially good reaction for the crippled dun.

Forgot how many fish I caught there.

And O-chi got wet as we expected...

14:55 this SYAKU IWANA was caught at the last hole of the river A.

Good bye toad!

Moved to the river B. And found some good rises there.
Changed the fly to #14 spent dun pattern from stimulator.

It was perfect drift and hooking for this 31cm char trout.
Added two more fishes by #18 sparkle dun as AKAMADARA.

ERUMON said 'Have a safety drive, Lance!'. Yes, I did it through NAGANO.


I'd known that Sweden is the one of advanced countries on the standpoint of work life balance.

30 & 31 on the father's day

30 by the #14 floating nymph.

31 by the #14 OKUMA spent dun.

What a fantastic father's day for me!!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Checked the new fly's performance


Crippled dun did work.

And floating nymph also, but need to know why some didn't take it.

Rainy season is coming.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Bushy park

Bushy park doesn't comfortable for human being though,

it must be

necessary for them.

It is hard to keep the garden not bushy now also.

Last weekend

Great tit came our wooden bird house.

We all were looking forward to seeing their child care.

But a sparrow interrupted them suddenly.

After this accident, the couple of Great tit didn't show up...
We miss you guys, please be back to our bird house.

The season of #14 brown

is coming soon there. Prepare all your stuff, Lance!

So what? Who care? Why?

Don't forget to ask these three to yourself, Lance.