Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Active Girls

It is just before you guys go to bed, now. Please stay calm...

Monday, May 27, 2013

Last short evening

Small, but precious beauty fish.
And much better than skunked. Just thanks.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Morning casting practice

 After about 30min drive, 5:39 arrived at 1st hole,
but found the earlier fisherman there...
We can still fish at KANOGAWA mainstream only in lower section.

Moved to 2nd hole, debut of new rod and new line with no fish...

7:01 time to go back home. Found HIGENAGA's shuck often there.
I think I should sometimes grab two handed rod just for change.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Made of Syrah and Grenache. 3stars.

Playing at the river's edge

They were so pleased to hear that we go to the river.

There were so many rises of ... small fishes.

My 'Just in case' tackle was kept there, no happening.

HIGENAGA's larva.

Her double handed cast was nice.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Even it was in a passing moment,

I was happy only to be there 17:30-19:00.

We call this 'CHIRARIZM' in Japanese.

You must be the 2nd one of them that I missed before.

Every time first fish makes me relaxed.

2nd one was caught at the new small hole.
#18 small parachute(I call it ERABUTA emerger) worked well today.

Time to go back home and have supper.

Let's dry the camping stuff in the sun

Three sleeping bags, we need one more for younger daughter this year.

Thinking of our four's first camping this year.

In a passing moment...

Dropped into urban big fly shop.
Please open a branch near my house...

Let's check the lowest priced one's performance, Lance.

It was first time to see the outside of Tokyo station after its renewal.

Sometimes city, very unusual place for me,
gives me a chance to reset myself. 

Don't forget sweets for them.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Lance's off Monday part2

15:36 picked my wife up at the station.

16:06 taking her to the gymnastic class in a neighboring city.

16:40-17:40 wet walking in the river.

17:14 caught rusty colored one by #16 caddis pattern.

18:03 back to her gymnastic class.
18:15-19:00 see her gymnastic lesson.
20:00 having supper, my favorite rice with hashed beef!
20:20 writing this article on my blog. Well done, well done, Lance.

Lance's off Monday

Woke up later than usual weekday.
Took a breakfast with my wife and older daughter together.
Brought the combustible trash to the picked up place.
Sent them off and took care of younger daughter who just woke up.

Drove the car with large discarded articles.

Just a little crowded, but not too long time.

Walked around with younger daughter for a while.

Cooked a pickup lunch.

I liked it, but she didn't eat it yet...

How did you spend Mother's day?

Starting with four tasted waffle which older daughter's idea.
Especially the special orange marmalade was crazy!
Please try it, if you never did.

Photo lovers.

Cleaning their house and changing its water.

Weeding and mowing.

Having lunch outside.

Arranging messy stuff.

Having a superb dinner.
Likely you should go there by bus next, Lance...

One of our favorite words

Yes, it is. Let's have such moments as much as possible,
my honey, sweetie and sugar!

Sunday, May 12, 2013


I was almost giving up morning fishing today because of yesterday's heavy rain. I gave up the first branch river, because it was so colored. Second branch river wasn't bad, so let's check it.
I tied #16 cream parachute emerger first, but changed it to #14 Black EHC soon. Just felt that it might be more visible for fish and someone said something black was effective in high water.
After I missed two takes, got this pretty one.
No more want, it was enough for me this morning.
I'm getting know this branch's hole little by little.

It was raining just a little bit.

I would like to grow up more like it.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

If it never stop raining,

you might be better to go driving in the rain.
And it was getting so windy and rainy when we arrived there.

God, I think I sometimes begged a little rain as poor fly fisherman,
but it is already enough for today and tomorrow.
Why do you want to keep me away from weekend fishing???

Do you think so, too?