Sunday, July 28, 2013


Black beer, but not too bitter but mild sweet taste. I mean, good to drink!

NIRAYAMA Reverberatory Furnace

After sending older daughter to SCOA's summer camp,
we three visited NIRAYAMA Reverberatory Furnace first time.

As one of engineers, I respect the spirits of our pioneers.

Learned lots of things, and now I know why
it is called 'Reverberatory' well.

Got some nice local beers, so I'm looking forward to drinking them at home.

FUTABA's spinner knocked on my door

Whenever I'm away from fishing, mayfly knocks on my door to the river. I don't have any idea where he comes from, but this male FUTABA KOKAGERO hatched to the spinner at my house. 2 more weeks, Lance. Just be patient...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Let's go sea-bathing!

It was first sea-bathing for us four this year.

When we left our home, it was be too cloudy.
But it was getting nice sunny day, after we arrived there.

Fun to make preparations.

We all could see beautiful and colorful fishes.

But it was hard to catch them, caught only one.

Snack time!

Thank you for the wonderful day.

Summer is getting full swing now.

Monday, July 15, 2013

She did so nice at her piano concert today

Do you want to play the piano or sing a song,
like your great older sister, sugar?

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Lavender and Mt. FUJI

Visited OISHI park to see the lavender and Mt. FUJI.
Weather was cloudy, but nice to see the whole Mt. FUJI today.

All bees looked like so busy.

I personally like the color of Mt. FUJI in the early summer.

You like to throw stones wherever you are.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

We booked it!

It depends on the weather, but we are very looking forward to it!

After rainy season ended,

we are having hot days... How do you spend these days? We had a kind of special plan this weekend though, older daughter had mumps. Poor sweetie...

Mother bird was waiting near the nest till she checks the safety. 
Very cautious.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Monday, July 8, 2013

Her new pack

Got the new pack for my wife today. About me, couldn't find my favorite there. Hopefully coming soon.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

TANABATA night fair

After dinner we visited TANABATA night fair tonight just a little.

I failed to catch the water balloon for younger daughter...

Night walking was a kind of comfortable tonight.

Don't do it too much, please.

Looked like nice SOBA restaurant though,
there was no customer there yet...

Today's best shot

I think I should learn 'Tv' mode more.
Anyway it is fun to look back when I'm in the kitchen.

They were there!!

We haven't seen you sine quite a while.
Looks like you are busy for feeding baby bird.
We are looking forward to seeing your baby soon.

Take care!

Friday, July 5, 2013

1St day(6/29); we had good start!

12:53 Arrived at our holy place after two years interval.

Even it looked like just still water, there were reason why many fishes were stocked.

14:17 First one by the sight fishing with ICHIGO's help.

Sometimes we needed to climb the cliff. 
Could catch many fishes.

18:03 Fish's size was getting bigger.

18:20 Finally could meet SHAKU fish(30.5cm)!

Likely they did it.

Congrats, curryman!!

19:54 back to the parking space.
I didn't count exact number of fish I caught though,
at least over 10 fishes. It should be called 'good start' today.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

#14 black one with white background

After checking ICHIGO's fly, I felt my fly was too fat. Should be skinner than the above.

FW update

So far, my EOS M's auto focus speed got much faster than before. Looking forward to the weekend!

2nd Day(6/30), ITOSHIRO evening

11:06 curryman started his bike training.
ICHIGO and I headed for the upper section.

14:20 Gave up the river we fished yesterday,
and decided to move to the another river.
16:19 getting close to ITOSHIRO C&R section.
4 years passed since we visited there last time
Early evening, we saw several sporadic rises.And found #20 brown bodied spinner. #20 spent spinner and small parachute worked, but couldn't catch any because of many mistakes...

Around 19:30 We had sudden many stoneflies' hatch and some rises.
Caught only one fish by #10 stimulator.
It was a kind of technical fishing there though, I learned lots of things.
It might be good time to visit OSHINO soon.