Sunday, March 30, 2014

Lance's sightseeing

Walking for the consumption of Cal.

Fruits of tropical region, durian.

A kind of...

Colorful cereals.

Very muddy and stinky water...

Likely I don't get used to the smart phone's camera yet.
Please ignore my fingers.

Looks cool, but too far from the hotel.

If you can't walk across the road once, might be scary...
Anyway my one hour walking was finished safely.

Raining off and on

Hesitating when I go walking...

Typical Sunday of Business Tripper

Just walking around for the window shopping, and taking a rest at the cafe which most of Japanese like...

Rainy Sunday in China

It is only off day though, likely no sunshine... By the way, this is my first post on this blog from the iPhone.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


My wife's and my late smart phone debut was iPhone 5s.
Much better than I imagined. Yes, I'm one of old-timers...

No fishing weekend

Super fine day made our lunch nice.

Could see some caddis's hatch though...

You've grown up enough to climb by yourself, sugar.

Don't chase him too much, please.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Wine night

Our elder daughter went sleeping over with her friends tonight. So my wife and I planed something different from usual. It was good night, and the bottle was completely empty by us.

Chateau Hant Vieux Chene BORDEAUX 2012
4.5stars(5stars are the highest rank of my pereference)

Getting ready

They have arrived today. So it is OK to go anytime, Lance!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The man who was called the pirates

I'm still middle of reading the volume 1, but can't help uploading. I was given lots of energy from this book. He is the fucking cool 'SAMURAI' which I long for. It was difficult to read without weeping in the commuter bus. I'm proud of myself who is one of Japanese like him. Do the right thing, just do it, Lance!! You can do it. I would like to be a man, just be a real man.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Trial shot

I liked its shutter sound so far!


It is the refurbished one though, definitely has full-framed image sensor.
Can you handle it well, Lance?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The man who sells the dream

It was hard to stop reading it. The story of the very able editor who makes a sucker of dreamers.  I think I as one of bloggers can be his sucker very easily...

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Lance's Saturday

6:50 took the elder daughter to the station for her skating class.

7:50 arrived the stream with lots of hopes.

8:47  Middle of the casting practice of two handed rod.
The casting practice was ended just as the casting practice soon...

Maybe it is sometimes needed to see the sky for you, Lance.
After the practice, I tried dry fly fishing 10:30-12:30 golden time.
Only to see some OKUMA's popping out there.

After picked the elder daughter up at 14:00, visited the branch and could see ERUMON HIRATA mayfly first time this year.

15:58 could see another HIRATA there also.
Yes, they were all I could see today...

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Sometimes white wine, like just for a change.
3 stars(5 is the my highest rank)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Mysterious love story between a multiple character and a tutor. I finished reading almost nonstop.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Happy Muffin Time

When we came back home, my wife made the banana muffin (no milk used) for us. Especially the younger daughter who has an allergy to milk got wildly excited. We all hope that your allergy'll be gone someday, sugar.

Walking around

My younger daughter and I came to the HAKONENOSATO today, to pick my elder daughter up who attended the camping program. Since we arrived there earlier than the appointed time, we walked around there.

We found a pair of frog in the hibernation under the rock in the water.
We were sorry for interrupting your sleep, guys. 

The elder daughter likely had good time there. Good job.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

My spring has not come yet...

Water level showed high because of Wednesday's heavy rain.

Fish's reaction for my dry fly was nothing.
Maybe it is not warm enough yet. I'm missing the fish...

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Just in a day

Finished reading this book today. Rainy day accelerated my reading.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Took a day off for filing my final income tax return

After I finished reading this book, my mind was totally cleansed.
It was hard to read without weeping...

Fortunately I could go to the river after filing tax return though,
unfortunately I couldn't fish because of heavy rain...

Sunday, March 2, 2014


During my fishing, they made preparation for HINAMATSURI today.

Please keep just fine, my sweetie and sugar.

I can fish! I can fish!! I can fish today!!!

New fly box was filled with the new ones and the old ones. 

Cloudy and a light rain should be the best weather for fly fishing.

Could see many baetis there. But the major hatch was crane fly.

KAWAZU ZAKURA was getting bloomed.

Got no fish, but had fun time!
Fly fishing always gives me relaxed and exciting time.
Yes, eventually Lance has been back!!