Friday, September 6, 2024

High water gave their high activation there

 Yesterday, while soaking in the hot water of Iwatake after the Hakuba trek, I thought about the unfinished business of this trip...

The answer was in the O River (^^)

I called the Lodge at the hot spring rest stop to check the water level and color, and then headed back to Shizuoka!

Went out slowly(left the car around 7:30), but AIT was unexpectedly empty, so I went in from there!

The water level was high enough to cross, but not too muddy.

The water was rising, so it was easy to narrow down the points because there were only slow-flowing zones and rolls.

It was nice to feel that the fish would come out if the current was strong enough! The catch was 4 amago and 1 iwana, and twice as many were misses or missed bites, so they were very active.

Almost I got to the lodge when I finally decided to turn back because I couldn't cross the river!

Fished from 8:30 to 14:30, and it was past 4:00 when we turned around and returned to the Akaishi Watershed by bicycle, arriving at the parking lot just after 5:00!

To my surprise, everything was paved at least as far as AIT! No more MTB is needed there?

2nd one around 11AM.

3rd one around noon.

4th one around 1PM.

5th one was 1st IWANA around 2PM.

Walking back to the bike after 4PM.

1st fish around 10AM

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

With ICHIGO after 6 years interval

 Thanks to Curryman, I will be fishing with ICHIGO today. The last time we saw each other was exactly six years ago. I can only look forward to what will happen. We met at the parking lot at 6:00 a.m. and set out on our MTBs around 7:00 a.m. as planned. I started fishing near point O, and ICHIGO went to the upstream. After that, I walked downstream and saw another angler who was going to fish downstream from the bike. ICHIGO came down just in time to see another angler. The water level was perfect downstream, but there was no response. It's been a while since I've fished like this... So, fishing in autumn is difficult. But my new bike was super comfortable, and it was a good start as my last partner! It was a day that I could reaffirm that I love MTB. Physically, I couldn't fish for a long time like before, and I was very tired at the end....

Got many pix from ICHIGO,thanks! See the followings. Next time we would like to fish together with curryman.